Mr & Mrs Bentley
The one and only Sarah Jane Orchin and her soulmate Alan had tied the knot the previous week at Brighton Pavillion in a quiet ceremony, but wanted a second affair so that all of their friends and family could celebrate.
And oh what a day of celebration it was…
I arrived at the stunning Castle Goring in the rain to the sound of fire alarms going off and the aroma of wood smoke coming from the bridal suite. Windows were promptly opened and draughts aplenty rushed through the lower floor. There was still a couple of hours before the guests would arrive so the panic didn’t last long. And anyway, it wouldn’t be a wedding without a story to tell!
The newlywed Mrs Bentley had not one but two wedding outfits which of course had to be accompanied by stunning head piece creations by the wonderful Brandon Anthony of flowers4 . Sarah’s hair and make-up was done by her close friends Claire John and Jorge and she was dressed by another close friend and wedding planner Kevin.
As the guests appeared on the gravelled driveway they were greeted by the melodic sound of bagpipes being played by the couple’s nephew. Bob Smytheman aka Worthing’s town crier and splendidly dressed in a shade of scarlet, then announced everyone’s arrival from the top of the somewhat rickety spiral staircase. It leaned to the left, making everyone feel a little seasick whenever they went up or down it, but it did look great adorned with ivy and pheasant feathers!
After taking the bride and groom off for 15 minutes for some portraiture shots, we headed back in to join the mingling guests who were admiring the art whilst sipping gin and eating canapes. A magician suddenly appeared (see what I did there) and performed tricks aplenty.
Sarah changed into outfit number two which drew gasps and cheers from the guests when they spotted the spectacular winged headpiece she was wearing. The speeches were toasted with shots of delicious tequila rose, the wedding cake with miniature Mr & Mrs was cut and everyone was then ordered onto the dance floor to the sound of Murdochs Crazy Eyes.
And dance they most certainly did!