March Sunset

A dance amongst the gorse.

As most of you know, folklore and fairytales weave their way into my image storytelling, so I grab any opportunity to head out with those who feel the same way.

A few weeks ago, Fern and I wandered over Sullington Warren and shot in the most beautiful March sunset where we channelled her inner Princess Aurora.

We arrived as the sun was beginning to lower, filtering through the tall fir trees and setting the gorse alight. Their delicate yellow blooms, fragrant with the heady scent of coconut and vanilla, are a stark contrast to their most unforgiving prickly branches. Fern was brave enough to pad barefoot through a natural pathway that had been created, while Timber her dog seemed quite happy to just sit and watch our crazy antics.

Tree ants soldiered past me as I crouched on the forest floor, various bird chatter echoed around and we both hoped that Fern’s dress wouldn’t succumb to a thorny gorse snare!

An evening straight out of a Grimm fairy tale.

Lady in gorse

Bracklesham Bay


Dancing in the Rain